Available 09:00-17:30

Tips for Controlling Cost in Cloud HPC Deployments

Having assisted with the management of a number of cloud HPC systems over the last few years, I have noticed several cost components that are often overlooked. On the other hand, customers may have some difficulty keeping control of the more obvious costs.     In this article, with a focus on cloud HPC deployments, I hope … Read more

Importance of Monitoring Your HPC

Monitoring HPC toolkit rendering

Introduction Cloud HPC can help speed up the procurement process and provide flexibility that on-premises HPC cannot offer. However, this does not mean that taking time to design, iterate, and engage with key members of your organisation can be skirted around. One key area that can often be overlooked is monitoring. Monitoring can provide a … Read more

Tips For Cloud Deployment 

Cloud illustration on top of a city

Streamlining Your Cloud HPC Journey  Over the last few years, I have had the privilege of being involved in several Cloud High-Performance Computer (HPC) cluster deployments. Despite the great variation in designs, which highlights the great flexibility on the Cloud, I have noticed some common roadblocks along the way.   These roadblocks can in the best … Read more

Tips for Cloud HPC Clusters


Deployment and Management from the front line Infrastructure-as-Code  is an inherent advantage of using the cloud. Simply put, this is the ability to describe new infrastructure required for your cloud deployment in your chosen tool eg Bicep, Terraform, Pulumi, or one of the many others, which can then be read and deployed into your environment. … Read more

Secure or Not Secure – That is the Question

Cloud Computing Security

Various security tools and features have been made available to Cloud end users over the past few years. They are designed to allow the application of security best practices on a Cloud infrastructure, similar to how it is with an on-premise data centre. Yet many skeptics’ have questions around security in the Cloud, for example: … Read more

Key Early Questions When Running a Proof of Concept in The Cloud

cloud computing under a magnifying glass for proof of concept

When we’re approached by a customer to perform or support a Cloud Proof of Concept (PoC), regardless of its conceptual state, we have a number of key steps and initial questions in mind. The most obvious is to state the exact problem which needs to be solved. Since any proof of concept is almost always … Read more

Will the public cloud critically wound the top tier HPC market and their customers?

Much of the current HPC community is behaving, excuse the gross stereotyping, a little like a dinosaur, wondering what that large red fireball in the sky is. Why? Look at the steady growth of public cloud adoption. Now consider the inevitable improvement in technical capabilities and the volume pricing that large cloud vendors can offer, … Read more

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