Available 09:00-17:30

HPC in the Cloud seminar held 16th May 2018 at The Leopold Hotel Sheffield


This was the theme for our latest customer seminar, all centred on HPC technology in the Cloud.  I am delighted to say this seminar was a great success, enjoyed by all.  We had a great diverse set of speakers including; AstraZeneca, Met Office, Durham University, Microsoft Azure, Alces Flight and of course Red Oak Consulting.

The day began with our very own Principal Consultant, Chris Downing, giving an independent view point of Cloud technology and where it stands today.  This was swiftly followed by our colleagues at Alces Flight giving an overview of solutions and services with our very own Senior Partner & Co-Founder, Owen Thomas discussing the economics of cloud technology and the various associated costs.  The day also incorporated AstraZeneca, Met Office and Durham University giving their thoughts and experiences on traditional on-premise HPC and that of HPC in the Cloud.  Over all we shared a lot of information and generated lots of discussion.  Not to mention our new company mascot, Teddy, got to experience his very first customer debut!!

It is fair to say TWO key areas generated the most discussion, those being DATA and PEOPLE when it comes to HPC in the Cloud.  On that basis I am pleased to announce Red Oak Consulting will be hosting a follow-up seminar in October 2018, focusing on DATA and PEOPLE!





We would be delighted if you could join us in October 2018.  If you are interested please email vicki.lockhart@redoakconsulting.co.uk to register your interest. 

Numbers are limit are offered on a first come first served basis.

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