Available 09:00-17:30

HPC in the Cloud: Data Storage People

On the 17th October 2018 Red Oak Consulting held their third HPC in the Cloud customer seminar.  This time the event was held at the De Vere Beaumont Estate, Old Windsor.  The seminar focused on the current three most pressing matters when looking at HPC: Data Storage and People.  As always, we had a great … Read more

The Machine Learning Hype Cycle and HPC

Like many other HPC professionals I’m following the hype cycle[1] around Machine Learning/Deep Learning with interest. I subscribe to the view that we’re probably approaching the ‘peak of inflated expectations’ but not quite yet starting the descent into the ‘trough of disillusionment.’ Read more…

Key Early Questions When Running a Proof of Concept in The Cloud

cloud computing under a magnifying glass for proof of concept

When we’re approached by a customer to perform or support a Cloud Proof of Concept (PoC), regardless of its conceptual state, we have a number of key steps and initial questions in mind. The most obvious is to state the exact problem which needs to be solved. Since any proof of concept is almost always … Read more

Red Oak Consulting in Seattle!

Red Oak Consulting has recently returned from a successful trip to Seattle.  Whilst out in Seattle, Owen Thomas, Senior Partner gave a presentation on finances associated with HPC and Cloud computing.  We had a great time, including our company mascot Teddy who you can see enjoying the skyline of Seattle below! The audience was welcoming … Read more

Collaboration & Competition in HPC

The business of buying, selling and managing high-performance computing resources is for the most part an amicable one. Aside from the periodic low-grade spat between Mellanox and Intel over the benchmarking of their respective interconnects, we see little evidence of vendors bad-mouthing each other. On the customer front, when a relationship with a vendor breaks … Read more

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