Available 09:00-17:30

Looking Forward to SC22 in Dallas

Bags are being packed, calendars are filling up and people are busy working out where their meetings are on Google Maps.  Exactly how far and how fast, they must hoof it between hotels and meeting room suites, is the looming thought!  As someone who isn’t attending in person this year, I’ve instead been thinking about … Read more

What happens to your IT practices when you spin up an HPC cluster, in an hour?

    Red Oak Consulting successfully held its latest HPC in the Cloud webinar on 8th December 2021.  Held, in partnership with Microsoft and Intel we talked about the ease of spinning up an HPC cluster, in the cloud. and the implications to your IT practices.   Pictured below are a few captions from the webinar … Read more

Secure or Not Secure – That is the Question

Cloud Computing Security

Various security tools and features have been made available to Cloud end users over the past few years. They are designed to allow the application of security best practices on a Cloud infrastructure, similar to how it is with an on-premise data centre. Yet many skeptics’ have questions around security in the Cloud, for example: … Read more

HPC Transition: On-Premise to Cloud Webinar

Red Oak Consulting, in partnership with Microsoft Azure, held a well received webinar on the 2nd December 2020.    The webinar focused on answering those must asked questions when considering Cloud as a solution for High-Performance Computing service delivery.  Having undertaking a significant number of HPC in the Cloud projects, we focused this webinar on … Read more

Supercomputing 2018 (SC18)

Once again, Red Oak Consulting attended the annual industry event of Supercomputing.  This year it was held in the US city of Dallas.  It was, as always, a great opportunity for our consultants to meet with industry colleagues whilst allowing for informative updates on all the latest technology and developments. Following positive feedback and demand … Read more

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